Get Tanked will be here today! Remember to not eat for 2 hours prior, bring a swimsuit and towel. Test will only take a few minutes.
It’s still not too late to get tested, just show up between 4:30 and 7 and we’ll fit you in, bring a friend too if you wish..
Warmup: Burgener warmup
20 partner med ball sit-ups, each
2 mins jump rope
Strength: makeup from Monday, so we’ll do snatch and cleans today
Warmup: 5/5/3 @ 40/50/60% of 1 RM
Work: 5/3/1+ @ 75/85/95% of 1 RM
5 Turkish Get ups, each side
10 deficit push-ups (use 25# plates)
Roll out and stretch
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