If you’re signed up to have your body fat test, remember to bring a towel and swim suit and don’t eat for 2 hours before your test.
Warmup: ROM drills, 2o ring rows (if you don’t have strict pull-ups yet), max strict pull-ups, 20 push ups, 20 situps,
Burgener Warmup, With bar: 10 Clean Pulls, 10 Front Squats
Strength: Clean + Jerk
Warmup 5/5/3 at 40/50/60% 1RM
Work: 5/5/5+ at 65/75/85%
WOD: 21-15-9-15-21
Back Squats (95-135/95-65#)
Sandbag Step ups (each leg)
Cooldown: 100 sit ups, roll and stretch
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