**No Class Saturday. We’ll be doing the BattleFrog Obstacle course race.
Party starts at 7pm, stop by and hang out with us!**
Warmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, 30 sec Jumping jacks, 30 high knees, 30 butt kicks, 10 pushups, 10 jumping squats
Skills test: Rest 2:00 min between each exercise below.
Speed: 400 m run
Endurance: 1-set of Max Sit-ups in 2:00, rest must be in the up position, if you rest for more than 5 sec the set is done.
Endurance: 1-set of max ring dips in 2:00, feet can’t touch the ground, no bands used. Modification is box dips.
Core Strength: max L-sit hold
Strength: Snatch
Warmup: 5/5/3 @ 40/50/60%
Work: 5/5/5+ @ 65/75/85% 1 RM
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
8 Box Jumps
8 Wall balls
5 DB Thrusters (25/15#)
Cooldown: 30 V-ups, wall stretch, roll out
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