Warmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, 30 sec Jumping jacks, 30 high knees, 30 butt kicks, 10 pushups, 10 jumping squats
Skills test:
Rest 2:00 min between each exercise below.
Speed: 500 m row
Endurance: 1-set of Max Push-ups in 2:00, rest must be in the up position, if knees touch at anytime set is finished
Endurance: 1-set of max air squats in 2:00, rest must be done in the down position, if you rest for longer than :05 seconds set is done
Core Strength: Choose one, 1) max knees to elbows, 2) max toes to bar, 3) max hold front lever.
Strength: Deadlift
Warmup to 85% of your 1RM
Work: 10 x 3 reps with 60-90 seconds between sets
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
15 KB swings (53/35#)
8 DB Press AHAP
Cooldown: wall stretch, roll out
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