Warmup: ROM drills, dynamic stretches, 250m row, 20 plank shoulder taps, 15 dips WOD: 20:00 AMRAP 500m Row 20 Dips 15 Plank hip dips, ea 10 Push-ups Cooldown: shoulder and hip stretches, roll out
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, :30 each jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, burpees WOD: Legs ladder – add 5 reps each round until we get to 25 reps, then back down. 10/15/20/25/20/15/10 10 Squats 10 Lateral lunges 10 Glute bridges, banded 10 Calf raises Cooldown: Up/downdogs x5, pigeon, low lunge, hamstring stretches
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, :45 each of Jumping jacks, Squats, Flag Pushups, Hollow hold, Arch hold Strength: Strict Press5 x 5 @ 80% WOD For time: 30 Wall Balls30 Kettlebell Swings60 Box Jumps30 Kettlebell Swings30 Wall Balls Cooldown: Stretch and roll out
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, 5 banded pass-thru’s, 15 burpees, 20 squats Strength: Front Squats 5×5 @ 80% WOD: 3 Rounds, 1:00 rest between rounds, 12 reps each Bicep curls Overhead press Bent Over Row Chest Press Tricep Extension Lateral raises Cooldown: Roll and Stretch chest, shoulders and back
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, :30 jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, mountain climbers, plank WOD: Core – 2 rounds 1:00 each; :15 rest/transition Bicycle Crunches Alt Toe Touches Leg Raises Side Plank R Side Plank L Plank Jacks Spiderman Planks Flutter Kicks Sit-ups Windshield Wipers Cooldown: Childs, cobra, downdog
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, Dynamic stretches, 3x :30work/:30rest jump rope Strength: Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 85% Workout: 20:00 AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 12 Step ups, ea 15 Calf raises 12 Curtsy lunges (each side, alt) :30 Plank Cooldown: Quad stretch, forward fold or seated hamstring stretch
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, Dynamic stretches, :30 each: squat hold, squats, bird dogs, pike push ups, mountain climbers, sit ups Strength: Deadlift 5 x 5 @ 85% WOD: 2 rounds – 1:00 work/:15 transition Tricep dips Plank shoulder taps Arm haulers one arm push up L then right diamond push ups Plank jacks Plank Cooldown: chest and more »
CONTINUE READINGWarmup – ROM drills, dynamic stretches, 500m row, 30 sec handstand hold, 25 sit ups, 10 KB halos, each direction WOD: 4 Rounds 25 Cal. Row 25 KB side bends , each side (AHAP) 25 KB Swings 25 V- ups 25 Back Extensions Cooldown: Roll and stretch
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM, dynamic stretches Strength: Bent Over Row 5×5 @ 80% WOD: 20:00 AMRAP 5 Goblet Squats 10 DB Lunges + Bicep curl, each leg 15 Wed Sit-ups Cooldown: Stretch
CONTINUE READINGWarmup: ROM drills, 30 sec squat hold, 10 squats Strength: Back Squat Work: 5×5 @ 80% WOD: AMRAP 20 minutes: 250m Row 15 Ring Rows 10 Toes to Bar Cooldown: up dog/down dog x 4, stretch calves and shoulders