**Please note change of Schedule for Fri 9/13/13 and Mon 9/16/13. There will only be the 5:45 am class on Friday and there will only be the 5:45 am class and the evening classes on Monday. Please chat with me if we need to make alternate arrangements for you to get your WOD done on those days. Thanks!**
Warmup: PVC passthru’s, max squat hold, 20 ball slams, 20 jumping squats
Skills check: pick one of your goals from goal board, achieve it, mark it as accomplished.
Strength: Deload Week, Back Squat
Work: 5/5/5 no max reps @ 40/50/60% 1 RM
WOD: 3 rounds
8 Front squats
500m Row (or 400m run)
Roll out and stretch
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