Signup for your body fat test! Truck will be here next Wednesday. We NEED to have 10 people signed up by today for them to come out on Wed!
Warmup: ROM drills, 2o ring rows (if you don’t have strict pull-ups yet), max strict pull-ups, 20 push ups, 20 situps,
Burgener Warmup, With bar: 10 Snatch pulls, 10 Snatch Balance
Strength: Snatch
Warmup 5/5/3 at 40/50/60% 1RM
Work: 5/5/5+ at 65/75/85%
WOD: 3 rounds for time:
800m Run
30 Box Jumps
Cooldown: 50 hollow rocks, 50 arch rocks. Roll and stretch
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