Warmup: ROM, dynamic stretches, 15 small to big/reverse, big to small arm circles, 25 sit ups, 25 pushups, 25 jumping squats
WOD: For time:
25 In and Out’s
25 Wall Balls (20/14#)
25 Bicycle circles
250m Row
25 Reverse bicycle circles
25 Wall Balls
25 Crunchy Frogs
250m Row
25 Wide leg sit ups
25 Wall Balls
25 Slow scissor kicks
250m Row
25 Bent leg hip raises
25 Wall Balls
25 Heels up hip raises
250m row
25 Canoe to Boat
25 Wall Balls
25 Oblique V-up (each sided)
250m Row
12 ea leg Leg climbs
25 Wall Balls
25 Mayson Twists
250m Row
Cooldown: Roll out and stretch
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